DLR GfR at SpaceOps 2023 in Dubai
DLR GfR at SpaceOps 2023 in Dubai
The GfR will have a strong presence at the 17th International Conference on Space Operations, also known as “SpaceOps 2023”, taking place in Dubai from March 6th to 10th. The GfR will have a booth at the conference together with the German Space Operations Center, and there will be seven speeches from GfR representatives. All submitted abstracts have been approved by the organizer, a strong signal for the globally important role of the GfR in Space Operations.
Recognizing that the successful operation of programs in space is the foundation of all successful space missions, SpaceOps, which takes place every two years, brings the global operations community together since the 90s. Space agencies, industry, and science come together here. With Dubai as the host, SpaceOps 2023 takes place in the Arab world for the first time. After SpaceOps 2018 in France, this is the first “live” conference in five years, as the SpaceOps planned for Cape Town in 2020 took place virtually in 2021.
The GfR will be presenting itself during the entire conference at booth SM 53 in the Sheikh Maktoum Hall at the Dubai Convention Center. The range of topics covered in GfR presentations includes the challenge of switching to “Remote Operations” during the Corona pandemic, questions about efficient training of new employees, and consideration of how to deal with external disturbances (“Jamming and Spoofing”).