space travel
Satellite platform commissioning
- Execution of pre-defined platform checkout procedures by a skilled operations team
- Checkout of thermal, power, avionics, data-handling and TT&C (telemetry, tracking and command) components
- Report generation including tracking, tracing and test analysis
- Specialist 24/7 on-call support
In-orbit testing of satellite payloads
- Execution of pre-defined satellite payload checkout procedures by a qualified operations team
- Checkout of payload subsystem including performance characterization
- Report generation including tracking, tracing and analysis of tests results
- Specialist 24/7 on-call support
Long-term routine system operation
- Execution of routine housekeeping operations after successful platform commissioning and in-orbit testing of payloads
- Execution of all ground system-related routine operations
- Execution of all security-related routine operations to ensure secure and reliable services
- All routine operations are conducted 24/7 by routine operations shift teams
- 24/7 specialist on-call support for any ground- or flight-related contingencies with a reaction time of two hours
- Long-term system data trend analysis of both ground system and satellite-related housekeeping data
- System upgrades during nominal routine operations phase, respecting all operations requirements and ensuring safe and reliable operations
What is needed in the early preparation phase?
What is needed in the early preparation phase?
- Review of ground system design including interfaces
- Review and development of ground operations concepts/small>
- Active feedback loop with ground system manufacturers
Space system design review service
- Review of space system design including detailed review of satellite subsystem design
- Review and provision of input to on-board software developers for satellites
- Active feedback loop with space segment manufacturers
What products do we look after?
Our standard products, which serve as core tools for operations provision services, include:
- General operations concepts
- Ground operations procedures, including the ground operations plan
- Flight operations procedures, including the overall flight operations plan
- All activities related to this phase flow into the Operational Validation Readiness Review Milestone (OVRR).
How do we test and validate?
Our core services include:
- Development of test and operational validation concepts
- Execution of pre-validation tests covering all system segments, including operations, according to defined operations products
- Execution of formal system validation tests according to system operations requirements
- Reporting, tracking and tracing of all operational validation activities against defined validation scenarios in compliance with operations requirements
- All activities related to this phase flow into the Operational Readiness Review Milestone (ORR) which is the final review before the actual start of a mission